On Call Services

Our software often includes an on-call services feature, which allows
clients to request services outside of regular business hours or at a preferred location.


Mobile Booking and Scheduling

The software with the on-call services feature allows clients to book appointments for mobile services through various channels, such as the business website, mobile app, or call center. Clients can select the desired service, preferred date and time, and location for the on-call service. The software automatically factors in travel time and availability of the business mobile therapists when scheduling appointments.

Geolocation and Mapping

The on-call services feature often integrates geolocation and mapping functionalities. These tools help therapists navigate to the client’s location efficiently. The software can provide turn-by-turn directions, real-time traffic updates, and estimated travel times to ensure therapists arrive on time for their on-call appointments.

Client Communication and Confirmation

The software facilitates communication between the spa, therapists, and clients regarding on-call services. Clients receive automated notifications with appointment details, including the assigned therapist, estimated arrival time, and any special instructions. Clients can confirm appointments and communicate directly with the therapist or business through the software, ensuring a smooth and transparent communication process.

Mobile Payment Processing

With on-call services typically includes mobile payment processing capabilities. The software allows therapists to accept payments on-site using mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets. This feature enables secure and convenient payment processing, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free payment experience for clients.